In a shocking display of crudeness and desperation, former President Barack Obama took a cheap shot at former President Donald Trump during his speech on the second night of the Democratic National Convention. With the Democratic Party struggling to energize voters around Kamala Harris, Obama resorted to an unseemly and vulgar innuendo that revealed just how much Trump continues to live rent-free in his mind.

“There’s the childish nicknames,” Obama sneered, referring to Trump. “The crazy conspiracy theories.” But it was the next line that left viewers stunned. “This weird obsession with crowd sizes,” he continued, raising his hands to suggest a large size before bringing them closer together to imply something smaller. The not-so-subtle reference was clear, as was the crowd’s raucous reaction to the former president’s juvenile joke.
This disgraceful attempt at humor is a far cry from the dignity and class one might expect from a former president. It’s telling that Obama, who once positioned himself as a beacon of hope and change, has now stooped to making crude insinuations about his successor. It raises the question: Just how much does Trump still get under Obama’s skin?
The bitterness over Trump’s 2016 victory is palpable. Obama, who once had the world at his feet, seems unable to come to terms with the fact that his chosen successor, Hillary Clinton, was soundly defeated by Trump. And now, as he stumps for Kamala Harris — a candidate with a record so lackluster she can’t even run on it — Obama resorts to the lowest form of attack: gutter-level humor.
But what’s even more hypocritical is that Obama made this crude joke mere moments after criticizing Trump for being “childish.” It’s a stunning display of projection and lack of self-awareness. Obama’s thin veneer of calm and composure has cracked, revealing a man still fuming over the success of the man who upended his political legacy.
Even Michelle Obama, who famously said, “When they go low, we go high,” couldn’t resist taking her own shots at Trump during her speech. She leaned heavily into racial division, suggesting that Trump’s “narrow view of the world” made him fear successful black people like herself and her husband. It was a divisive, race-baiting tactic that echoed the worst of identity politics.
“For years, Donald Trump did everything in his power to try to make people fear us,” Michelle Obama declared. She implied that Trump’s quest for the presidency was nothing more than a desperate attempt to gain power at the expense of minorities, calling him out for “doubling down on ugly misogynistic, racist lies.”
This is the kind of rhetoric that the American people have grown tired of. Instead of offering real solutions or inspiring ideas, the Obamas and their Democratic allies are relying on personal attacks and identity politics to rally their base. It’s a strategy that reeks of desperation and highlights just how out of touch they are with the concerns of everyday Americans.
In contrast, Trump’s straightforward approach and refusal to back down from a fight have endeared him to millions of Americans who are fed up with the political establishment. His ability to expose the true nature of his opponents is unmatched, and Obama’s latest outburst is just another example of how Trump continues to dominate the political conversation, even when he’s not on the stage.
The Democrats can try all they want to tear Trump down with cheap shots and baseless accusations, but the American people see through it. They know that when Obama and the left go low, Trump will keep fighting for the values that made America great in the first place.