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  • Writer's pictureAamir Bashir

Mail-in Voting Chaos: Democrats’ Push for Mail Voting Fails Again, and Trump Was Right All Along

With the 2024 presidential election just weeks away, a troubling warning has emerged from a coalition representing state and local election officials across the country. In a letter addressed to U.S. Postal Service Postmaster Louis DeJoy, the National Association of State Election Directors and the National Association of Secretaries of State expressed "ongoing concerns" over the USPS's ability to handle mail-in ballots ahead of the November 5 election.

The letter highlights a series of alarming issues, including delayed delivery of properly postmarked ballots, incorrectly returned election mail, and widespread mishandling of critical voter information. The implications of these failures are stark: voter disenfranchisement, confusion, and the potential to undermine public trust in the election process. With election officials reporting higher-than-usual rates of undeliverable mail — sometimes to voters who haven’t even moved — it’s clear that the system is buckling under the weight of mismanagement and inefficiency.

This is not just an administrative headache; it’s a sign that President Trump’s concerns about mail-in voting are more valid than ever.

Trump Warned Us About Mail-in Voting

President Trump has been outspoken for years about the potential dangers and pitfalls of mass mail-in voting. In 2020, he correctly pointed out that the sudden and widespread reliance on mail-in ballots — encouraged by Democrats — was fraught with risk. His warning was simple: mail-in voting on such a large scale would be difficult to manage, vulnerable to errors, and could lead to serious issues in the integrity of the election.

Now, as we approach another crucial election, these predictions are being borne out. Ballots are being delayed, improperly returned, and incorrectly marked as undeliverable. Voters are at risk of having their ballots discarded or being forced into inactive status, jeopardizing their ability to participate in the election — all due to a failing system that Democrats have championed.

The letter sent by election officials reveals a significant lack of communication and coordination with the USPS. Despite repeated efforts to address the issues, no meaningful changes have been made, and the problems persist. This breakdown comes at a critical time, with the potential to affect the outcome of the election and further fuel doubts about election integrity.

The letter from these election officials outlines serious concerns: mail-in ballots are arriving late, sometimes after deadlines have passed, and properly addressed mail is being returned as undeliverable. Such issues not only undermine the reliability of the election process but also threaten to disenfranchise voters through no fault of their own. This situation paints a troubling picture of an electoral system under strain, largely as a result of the Biden administration’s failure to effectively oversee and manage the USPS.

Despite the USPS’s assurances of readiness, the reality is far from reassuring. The past year has seen an increase in mail being marked undeliverable at higher-than-normal rates, which impacts critical election mail, including ballots and voter information cards. The persistence of these issues despite multiple attempts to resolve them raises questions about the effectiveness of Biden's administration in managing vital services that underpin our democratic processes.

The Biden administration’s approach to overseeing the USPS has been marked by inaction and inefficiency. As election officials have pointed out, there seems to be a “pervasive lack of understanding and enforcement of USPS policies among its employees.” This lack of oversight and accountability is indicative of broader failures within the Biden administration, which has struggled to handle key logistical challenges while implementing policies that have led to increased inflation and economic instability.

President Trump’s administration had a proven track record of efficiently managing federal agencies, ensuring that essential services like the USPS functioned smoothly and effectively. Under Trump's leadership, there was a focus on streamlining operations and ensuring that critical services, including mail-in voting, were handled with the utmost reliability. The current administration's inability to address these issues has not only affected the USPS but has also cast doubt on the integrity of the election process.

As we approach the November election, the risks associated with these mail delivery issues are clear. While USPS officials insist they are prepared, the growing evidence of problems suggests otherwise. The reality is that the current administration’s failures have created a perfect storm for potential election disruptions, casting doubt on their ability to manage essential services that are crucial for a functioning democracy.

The solution lies in taking decisive action to address these USPS issues and restoring confidence in the election process. This requires a commitment to effective oversight and management, principles that were upheld during Trump’s presidency and are sorely needed now. It is imperative that voters and election officials hold the Biden administration accountable for its failures and advocate for policies and leadership that prioritize efficiency, reliability, and the integrity of the electoral system.

As the election approaches, it is crucial to remember that the ability to vote freely and fairly is the cornerstone of our democracy. Ensuring that the USPS can deliver on its promises without disruption is not just a matter of administrative efficiency; it is a fundamental requirement for upholding the democratic process. President Trump’s track record offers a stark contrast to the current administration's mismanagement, making a strong case for a return to effective, proven leadership.


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