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  • Writer's pictureAnil Anwar

Kamala Harris: The Trojan Horse of Radical Leftism

If Kamala Harris is elected in 2024, get ready. The centrist facade she put on will be thrown away faster than you can say "executive order". Harris' history of flip-flopping, along with her recent moderate rhetoric, is part of the well-worn playbook for Democrats: campaign as a centrist, govern as a leftist.

We've seen this bait-and-switch tactic before. Bill Clinton, a good old boy from Arkansas, ran on a moderate platform, but once in office he quickly leaned left. Barack Obama, who promised hope and change in the broadest sense of the word, ruled with a heavy hand and promoted progressive policies. And Joe Biden, who campaigned as a unifier, was anything but. Each of these Democrats ran to the center during their campaigns, but veered left once they gained power. Kamala Harris is no different.

The mainstream media and Democratic strategists try to paint Harris as a pragmatic moderate, but he is nothing more than a Trojan horse. The moment she steps into the Oval Office, her true colors will show and she will be anything but centrist. Harris has a well-documented history of aligning with the far left on critical issues, from health care to immigration to criminal justice. Her track record suggests she is ready and willing to push a radical agenda that will make the Biden presidency look like a dress rehearsal.

The only thing that could stop Harris from realizing her leftist wish list is the makeup of Congress. If Republicans can secure a majority in the Senate, especially with the Montana race looming, they could be the last line of defense against her radical policies. But if Harris wins control of Congress, expect a legislative blitzkrieg that could reshape America in ways not seen since FDR's New Deal—except this time at trillion-dollar costs and erosion of constitutional liberties.

Remember when Biden mused at a meeting with historians about how to go even bigger and faster, even if it meant ditching the filibuster and bipartisanship? This is a mindset that Harris will inherit and likely expand upon. Forget moderate government or reaching across the aisle—the Harris administration will be all about crossing the line, regardless of the consequences.

For those who believe Harris will govern as the centrist she claims to be, think again. Past is prologue, and history tells us that once the left has a foothold in the White House, the radical agenda cannot be stopped. Harris will be no exception. Voters should be very wary of the Trojan horse knocking on the door of American democracy.


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